Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Raise the Roof in Laos!

The value of Education can never be underestimated. Especially in Laos where we care currently in our third and final phase of building in Ban Navangtai village. We URGENTLY need to raise $5000 to finish the construction and roof for this school. 

The  Ban  Navangtai  New  School  Project  will  have the  ability  to  greatly improve the quality  of  life  in  the  Navangtai  Village  by  providing  youth  with  greater  education opportunities and stimulating sustainable economic opportunities for local villagers. This school restoration project will serve as another model for future school projects identified within Navangtai Village.

We have a wonderful opportunity thanks to Patty Bustamante who has offered to match all donations up to $2500! Please see Patty's note attached below. 

Please follow this link to help us get the matching donations:  http://idbyp.blogspot.com/2011/05/join-me-in-raising-funds-for-project.html

Phouva Vorapanya has recently returned from his village in Laos and we wanted to take the opportunity to share some pictures of the progress so far with the school building. https://picasaweb.google.com/103080945342781607607/Laos2011?authkey=Gv1sRgCMWHrbyzsb-1qQE&feat=directlink

Help us make a difference in the lives of these Ban Navangtai children and make a childhood dream come true.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fundraiser to Empower!

We have an opportunity to empower some wonderful students through our Scholarship program! We need your support for this to become a reality! We have partnered with "Chip In Tip" to raise much needed funds for our Scholarship program.


We truly need your help with funding this vital program. Please allow me to share two of our current Scholarship recipients who will benefit from your kindness.

Ut Channy:

Faculty of Study: Law

Bio: The early years of Channy's life was bittersweet. Her mother died giving birth to her youngest sister, good medical technology was not available to her family. Her father worked hard to try to support her family but ultimately had to place each of his daughters with other family members. Channy moved to Siem Reap to continue her studies and to get a job. It was difficult, she had many challenges but never felt hopeless because she was willing to do what she could and because she loves her studies. One saying she always remembers is "[Those] whom do good actions will get good results." Channy has been involved in various humanitarian efforts within her community, prior to receiving her scholarship from Project Enlighten.

Da Ratanak Theany

Faculty of Study: Law/Medical Field

Bio: Theany was born on the Cambodia/Thailand border in North Camp Site II Refugee Camp while her father was doing medical work for displaced Cambodian Refugees with the International Red Cross. The family moved Kandal Province when she was young and her father made ends meet teaching French. She was raised in a family of nine but lost her oldest sister to blood cancer. Her parents spent all they had in hope of curing their daughter's illness to no avail. The family helped harvest crops, grew their own vegetables and managed to keep afloat by working together. Theany's brother found employment and has helped sustain the family with his income. Each year she got closer to finishing high school, she observed more and more young women in her school stopping their educational studies. Society pressures challenged the women in her community and many believed that education was wasted on women because men are considered income earners. Theany is inspired by the worldview on human rights and gender equality, however, worries about tradition and culture in the countryside influencing prejudice and inequality towards women. She has worked with The Youth Council of Cambodia to help educate others about democracy and improvement of the country. Theany has spent much of her extra time, outside of work and preparing for University, learning to speak, read and write English at the Volunteer Development Children's Association school which Project Enlighten supports. She hopes to share with others what she learns and help improve society and dreams of a professional career in Academia, Diplomacy or the Medical field.

For 16 cents a day or $5 a month through "Chip in Tip" you can help us support our students like Theany and Channy. Please consider supporting this vital program, so we can continue to provide these empowering scholarships for University! You can make a difference!


Peace and Respect,

Asad Rahman & Olivia Lorge

Thursday, March 24, 2011

PE Scholarships Fund Raiser!

Good evening Friends and Family-

I was going to write a letter describing this fundraising effort for
our University Scholarship program, then I recieved an email from our
dear friend and supporter Wendy asking if she could share this letter
she wrote with her friends! It was so well done, that I asked if I
could share it with you all! Thankfully Wendy agreed!

Here is here wonderful letter!

"I'm just putting this out because I am a firm believer in Education
and fully support underprivileged souls who wish to pursue an
education in a country where financial resources are very difficult to
come by.

Project Enlighten awards university scholarships to those in need, but
also to those who give back to the community while they are studying
for their degree, and after they attain their degree, so that their
community also benefits from this education.

Project Enlighten also awards educational scholarships to the youth
landmine survivors who live at the Landmine Museum, under the care of
humanitarian deminer, Aki Ra (2010 CNN Hero finalist!!) at the
Landmine Museum in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Project Enlighten has a campaign out for this week only on this new
site called Chip'In'Tip.


This is a brand new site developed by Nicholas Lumpp, co-founder of
the Somaly Mam Foundation. He has a track record of bringing people
together to help in humanitarian causes. This is one of them, and he's
given Project Enlighten this week to shine :o)

This is where we have the opportunity to "chip in" $5/month toward the
cost of their education for these scholarships. Friends, that is only
16 cents per day, or the cost of ONE fancy-schmanzy cup of coffee or
any other little personal luxury per month that I personally can
abstain from for an educational cause like this.

I have happily chipped in already :o) But my $5/mo will help greatly
and have a greater impact if we all can all chip in together!
Furthermore, if we can get 100 of us to chip in $5/month, a generous
donor will give Project Enlighten $500 extra for their Scholarship

Project Enlighten's Scholarship Graduate, Naret Duk, is now teaching
at a government school in Siem Reap and volunteers for various
projects with Project Enlighten but most proudly as Assistant
Education Coordinator with Jill Morse, giving back fully to her family
and to her community. She is a shining example of what this
scholarship is about.

Please consider Chipping in on this new site. We have only till this
weekend to make a difference through Chip'In'Tip.

Thank you for considering this. I truly believe in Project Enlighten
and all its causes. Please join me in supporting them in helping to
give educational opportunities that we so fortunately have in our own

Thank you for your support and please feel free to pass along to your
friends or post on your Facebook wall, Twitter or any Social Media
were we could get the word out!"

Thank you again Wendy for allowing us to share this! We need your help
friends, 16 cents a day will change a life forever! Please enjoy
several pictures from the graduation in 2010 of our Scholarship


Peace and Respect,

Asad Rahman, Olivia Lorge & Wendy!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hope, Smiles & Compassion. Photobook on Focus Project 2011

Would you help me and vote for my pictures in the Focus Project Competition?
Thank you in advance!

Hope, Smiles & Compassion. Photobook on Focus Project 2011