Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I was flipping through some pictures to use on my next entry, and stumbled across these, I forgot how much I love them and how much I love football and admire and respect my dear friend Phouva! I had the pleasure of meeting this outstanding gentleman at our National Wild land Fire Academy in Sacramento. Olivia was his crew boss and briefly introduced me to this amazing man from Laos. Phouva came up to my hotshot buggie on the Zaca fire earlier this year, we briefly discussed his dream of returning to his village and assisting with rebuilding his school and other projects. I was humbled and honored at the thought of working with this compassionate leader, who wants to use his Natural Resources degree to stop deforestation in his country.
Phouva gave me a call yesterday at the museum as I was in a meeting with Hourt, his voice and character reminded me how much I look forward to working with him and helping in some small way. He sent me these pictures before I left of his wonderful family! Man I love the passion of football/family and friends!

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