Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Oh my Buddha!


My morning started at 0600 with slow run through the back roads of Siem Reap, it is a wonderful time of the day as the city takes the first steps of the new day. I ran through my head what needed to be accomplished today. Deliver a laptop to the Director of the Voluntary School, Mr. Togh. In my correspondence with Togh I realized how valuable this tool was going to be to assist him and his team in organizing and developing for the future.
We met Togh with Bob and Claire from Australia whom Togh affectionately calls his mother and father. Sao and I showed up with his laptop donated by my dear friends Kipp and Miriam Morill from California. After a few minutes of small talk I could sense that Togh was very anxious to see his new laptop. I had it hidden under a chair, under the table. I couldn’t take the waiting anymore, I presented Togh the laptop to a soft yell of “oh my Buddha, oh my Buddha, oh my Buddha!” The site of Togh’s face that danced between smiles and tears was so humbling, as the realization that WE made a huge positive difference in this young school Director’s life! Thank you again Kipp and Miriam, this gift will reap a harvest of goodness!
Other accomplishments today was the discussion with Togh on the construction of the school and getting final signatures for the land, working with the builders to get several prices for construction of the new school. We discussed at length providing an opportunity to apply for a scholarship with Project Enlighten. This was a fantastic meeting as the hunger for continued knowledge was never more evident!
It was a fantastic day!!


Chanly Bob said...

You are a beautiful person my brother. Beautiful indeed! Humanity needs more unsung heroes' like you. Please keep up this wonderful work and may the many who suffer and in search for hope continue to be the fuel that keeps you going.

With much admiration and respect,


Unknown said...

I love you brother! You inspire, so I act!